
Friday, February 24, 2006

Imitation of Life: The Realities of Living in America

Have you ever discovered something new about something that you thought you already knew very well?? (that was real wordy..but n e way...) Well, I had this experience last night and it is really trippin' my head out.

My favorite movie of all time has been Imitation of Life for the past 10 years. Well two months ago I was discussing my love of the movie with my great-grandmother Lawrencine, the one who is in the hospital right now. Well grandma is like 85 y/o and when I told her how I felt about the movie, she said that she didn't like it and I was shocked. She said that she had never seen the color version and that her dislike for the original made her not want to see the remake. Well, I had never seen the original version. I couldn't believe she didn't like it, but I didn't think anything else of it.

Fast forward to last night when the Turner Classic Movies (TCM) channel shows the 1934 version of the movie as a part of a tribute they are doing to Oscar nominated fims. This was my first time seeing the 1934 version, as my love affair has been with the 1959 version. I feel like a rug has been pulled from under me! The 1934 black and white version is a bit different from the technicolor 1959 version. The central themes are the same, but the characters and details are a bit different. Basically, the 1934 film is racist as shit! I mean so racist and fucked up that it hurts to watch it. Now the color version has had me in tears EVERY single time that I have seen it, but this made me want to cry for a different reason.

A few examples:

A) Delilah, the black female character, is a cook for Mrs. Perlman. They both are widows. Mrs. Perlman ends up opening up a pancake shop on the boardwalk of a beach. The name of the shop is Aunt Delilah's Pancakes or some shit like that. Okay, immediately, an image of Aunt Jemima jumps into my head as the logo for the shop is a pic of Delilah in a head rag smiling. And she refers to herself as a mammy. The imagery is just too much.

B) The pancake mix that makes the pancakes that they sell was created by Delilah. A man (can't remember his name but it begins with an E) comes in and tells Mrs. Perlman that she could strike it rich if she boxes the mix that they use. So he and she draw up the paperwork to sell the mix to stores and make big money. Mrs. Perlman offers Delilah 20% of the deal because she created the mix and Mrs. Perlman has a close relationship with her. Delilah is having a hard time being convinced to sign and Mr. E is heckling and talking shit on the sidelines. The conversation goes like this (in my words):

Mrs. P - "We're going to be rich and you can buy yourself a house and a car."

Delilah - "You mean you don't want me and Peola (her daughter) to stay here with youanymore. Please don't make us leave. I have always been your cook and that's what I wants to stay. I don't know what I would do if you made us leave. I don't need all those fancy things.

Mrs. P - "I just thought that you would want things of your own for you and Peola and since it is your mix."

Delilah - "I gave it to you as a gift. You're very welcome. I just want to be here with you."

Mrs. P - "Oh Delilah, you're so sweet. You will never change."

Mr. E - "Well I could have told you that! A pancake is always a pancake.

Now this cut deeply, y'all. A lot of shit was going on in this scene. First of all, racist ass Mr. E, who didn't do a fucking thing but tell Mrs. Perlman to box the mix is getting more money than Delilah and she created the fucking mix!!!!!! This bastard is getting 40% and so is Mrs. P. Now some may be thinking, why are you upset about that? That's the type of shit that went down back then. But that's just it, this is the type of shit that went down today and we are still suffering from it today. Today, whites are 8 times more wealthier than their black counterparts even when they earn identical salaries over the life of their careers. Never forgetting that we live in a capitalist society where the really important color is green!

Then, Delilah damn near doesn't even want the crumbs that they are offering her. This immediately reminded me of Dr. Carter G. Woodson's The Miseducation of the Negro.

When you control a man's (person's)thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his "proper place" and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary."

Then this mutherfucka E says fucked up shit like a "pancake is always a pancake"!!! And it is so clear that he means "a nigger is always a nigger" or something degrading like that. I got sick to my stomach after watching this part.

C) Peola, Delilah's daughter, actually passes for white as a child while in elementary school and makes up her mind when she is very young that she wants to be white because she looks white. Her mother is convinced by Mrs. P that things will be better if Peola goes down south to a school especially for "high colored" negroes. Peola is so convinced that the life for her should be that of a white woman that she runs away from the school and tells her mother to basically act like she doesn't exist and let her pass for white.

This got me to thinking about a lot of shit too. Our society has been and remains really fucked up y'all. There are soooo many people of color that deep down inside really wish they were white. It is very sad when a group of people are elevated above everyone else in a society just because of their physical features, shit totally out of their control. This even got me to thinking about the black community and our issues with light skinned vs. dark skinned and good hair vs. nappy/bad hair. I'll do a more in-depth post on this issue some time really soon.

Basically, seeing this movie shook up a lot in me. I am not sure how I even feel about the 1959 version anymore. I guess it's a good thing when watching tv can cause one to think so much. If you've seen either one of these movies, I am interested in knowing other's thoughts.

D- Said It@ :: 12:08 PM :: 4 Said Something About It

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DC Shine 2/17 & 2/24

Okay, there seems to be a pattern. The past coulple of weeks I have only posted on Fridays. Well it's Friday and I am back...school and work still kickin' a sista's ass. I never got a chance to do DC Shine last week, so I will start out by doing two today.

First up, we have Peaches & Herb. Now, of course this another one for the old schoolers. Many people may not remember them but they had quite a few hits in the '70s. Once you hear "Reunited", one of their most famous hits, you will be reminded. And of course, there's "Shake Your Groove Thing", the big disco hit that is now featured in many commercials. Herb was indeed born in Chocolate City and began singing in the church when he was a little boy. Francine Hurd Barker, the original "Peaches" also was born in Washington, D.C. They became a group in January of 1965 when they signed to local record company, Date Records, and the rest is history. Herb still lives in the area. He owns a beauty salon that is quite popular. Another little known fact is that there have been three or four different Peaches, all of them DC natives.

Last, but not least is vocalist, movie and stage actress Pearl Bailey. Ms. Bailey was born in Newport News, VA, however, she was a lifelong resident of Washington, DC. She began her career on U Street, just around the corner from Howard University. She worked in a small club called the Jungle Inn, and from there went on to perform at Republic Gardens, further up U. Pearl is famous for her roles in films such as the all black version of Hello Dolly and Carmen Jones. At age 67, Pearl Bailey graduated from Georgetown University with a bachelor's degree in theology. In 1968, 1971, 1973 and 1989 she published books on her life, cooking, and educational experiences. In 1975 Pearl Bailey served as a special ambassador to the United Nations and in 1988 received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Doing these DC Shine's really helps me to look at my city in a different light. I grew up in the era of crack and Marion Barry [so sad that you can read that two ways :0( ], so it's nice to be reminded of all the wonderful things that DC has produced.

D- Said It@ :: 11:20 AM :: 1 Said Something About It

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Friday, February 17, 2006


Hey Folks! I've been a busy bee this week so I know I've been M.I.A. But I know that it is Friday so I should be posting a DC Shine, but I will probably post that later, if not tomorrow. I have a funny ass story that I want to share with y'all while I still remember that shit. It happened a week ago and I am just getting a chance to blog about it.

Last Friday the eighth grade students at my school had a Valentine's Day dance and I served as a chaperone. I was basically there to keep the dick and ass grindin' to a minimum. Can I just tell y'all that this was some hilarious shit?!?! First, we'll start with the attire. Our school is very strict. We don't allow the kids to have any dances until they are in the eighth grade, what we call our "seniors". We also have a strict uniform policy. They only get to wear jeans three times a year for special occasions unless they have one of the top GPAs in the 7th or 8th grade. In addition, all students must have their shirts tucked in at all times. Girls can't wear earrings that are larger than one inch or wear any bracelets. Girls also are not allowed to wear high heels, make up, or what we like to call "Chubaka" boots (those are the huge wooly, furry winter boots that are ever so popular in our area now).

All of the rules were suspended for the party, so you would have thought that we were hosting an All-Star Game after party. Now if your city has hosted an All-Star Game, or if you have attended any All-Star Game events in the last 6 years, you know what I am talking about: almost all of the women at the party look like they are on a video shoot. Well these 13 and 14 year old girls are no different from their big sisters, cousins, and mamas. They too were ready for the making of the video. There were stilettos, knee boots, fur coats, sunglasses, and more glitter and sequince than you could shake a stick at. Many also took advantaged of the opportunity and put on the biggest pair of Bamboo earrings that they could find in a store. There was even bright fushia eye shadow, turquoise eye shadow, and my personal favorite from back in the day - gold lipstick. I think the shades in the dark party were the funniest part to me. It's important to also note that the fly hairdos were in full effect. A few people didn't come to school on Friday because they had hair appointments. I fell out laughing when one little girl whined "It's too hot in here. My hair is getting ready to sweat back. I don't have a perm." Oh how I remember those days!

I was just about to go into the dancing and the music, when I remembered something else.
The dance started at 7 - way after 3:30, the time they were dismissed from the school day. Why did this fool of a boy come to the dance with a bookbag?? You know we are going to check your bag, simpleton!!!! Well this fool has in his bag 2 condoms: one strawberry flavored, the other banana; a bottle of baby oil; a pack if incense; and scented oils (this little nigga had him a bottle of Cush and a concoction called Thug Passion). I damn near died! I'm telling y'all! This dance was an event. These children had plans for this shit like it was the prom or something. Remember that they are 13 and 14. Well my vice principal asked him if he was planning to use the items that night and if so, with whom. He just had this dumb ass look on his face and she gave him back the bag with everything in it and told him to not use the condoms with the baby oil because it would make them ineffective. I was surprised she let that slide. In my head I thinking, damn they are really letting them run loose tonight. Her rationale was that she didn't want to be the reason that some girl may have ended up pregnant, so she let it slide.

Ok, now on to the music and the dancing. First of all, the dj was pretty good!!! He was probably the best I have heard at a school sponsored event - period. Every song he played was something that the kids like. Now this is the part of the dance where it really hit me that my ass is old! Now I know that I'm not even 30 yet, so some of you are thinking bitch please, but I am old in that I am completely removed from what is considered "youth culture" today. I can't take this new "Snap Crap" shit that is out and they love it!!! They partied like it was 1999 when the dj played anything by D4L or The Franchise Boys. When "Lean With It, Rock With It" came on it was complete pandemonium. I thought somebody was going to snap their own damn head off dancing to the shit. Then there is a part of the dance when you throw your snap to someone else. Y'all have got to see this shit to really understand it. These nignogs would "throw it" to their friends who would then fall down on the floor and throw it back. Is this dance popular in other places? I think they do it on the video, but I am not sure if all the theatrics are actually a part of the dance or just some 'fabulous' shit that they have come up with.

Little Wayne's "Fireman" or whatever the fuck the song is called was also a big hit. All of them knew every entire word. And no need to even comment on Bow Wow's "Freshasimiz". Those girls love them some Bow Wow! As they are DC kids, of course they partied hard when the dj played go-go. Now being a DC girl myself I have no problems with go-go, but I couldn't even get with some of this new go-go. The dances are much wilder than they were when I was their age. All that hopping around and shit would have never been cute back in the day.

I also died laughing when Beyonce' and J's "Crazy in Love" came on because a large group of girls took over the entire dance floor to perform the entire video. And these girls were dead ass serious!! Disclaimer: I'm getting ready to say something that could be viewed as a little mean...but oh well. There is a student who attends our school who is actually on the borderline of being mildly retarded according to her IQ score. She is a sweet girl. It is evident that she is a little slow from the very second that you meet her, but she's a slow girl who is the only person who doesn't know that she is slow. I know that sounds crazy, but she really doesn't know it. Most of her time is spent around people whose IQs are like maybe 5 to 10 points higher than hers so she doesn't have much to draw from. Anyway...We'll call her Taz. Well Taz knew every word of every song played at the dance and I thought that was funny because Taz has been known to head her paper with the name of the main character of the book that they are reading in reading class.

Character's Name - Jonas
Student's Real Name - Bianca Brown
Name Student Writes on Paper - Jonas Brown
Now never mind that Jonas is a boy and Bianca is a girl!!!
That's the type of shit Taz does, but she can break down "In My White Tee" Amazing! Maybe you have to be a teacher to think that is funny. I don't know, but I am LMAO as I type this. The fact that she is serious when she does it cracks me up. Taz's outfit for the dance was also interesting. She is about 5'8 and probably weighs between 90 and 110 lbs. Very Olive Oil (Popeye's gal)! Taz wore gold cowboy boots, skin tight stretch jeans, a fitted white t-shirt with gold lettering that read "Cow Girl", and big (a la Jackie O) brown rhinestoned sunglasses. There was no one on planet Earth who could have told her that she was not the cutest thing up in the place!
All in all, the children had a great time and it was wonderful to see them enjoy themselves. I remember a few of my old school dances and I guess I was as excited back then as they were. I'm sure some of my teachers thought my outfits and hairstyles were ridiculous too.

D- Said It@ :: 11:24 AM :: 2 Said Something About It

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Friday, February 10, 2006

Music, Music, Music/DC Shine 2/10

Well gang, it's Friday again so you know your girl is happy! Last night while on my way to fill up my gas tank, I turned to the wonderful WHUR -that's Howard University's station for those of you who may not be familiar. And what did I ear, but Teena Marie's "Young Love"????? I almost lost my mind. I pulled up to the gas station but refused to get out until the song was done. I am sure that the guy who pulled up behind me thought I was crazy, but I didn't give a damn. Now this song is strictly for my old heads who like real soul. That girl Teena is a saangin' fool on this one. Do you remember the love/Do you remember the love we had? Y'all know that got added to the Ipod with the quickness this morning!

Of course that got me to thinking about music again, and I decided to do a little exercise that I saw on someone's (:0) blog. So here are my answers and I tag Tam, P, and Nick to do it next.

1. A favorite political track:
"Redemption Song" or "Buffalo Soldier" by Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley
I get a little emotional when I hear either one of these songs. They are so inspiring!

2. One of those tracks that make you dance on the dance floor no matter what:
"It Takes Two" by Rob Base and D.J. EZ Rock
I will be 96 years old in a wheelchair and I will still attempt to shake my ass to this one.

"Jinglin' Baby" by LL Cool J
The break down is my favorite part.

3. The song you'd use to tell someone you love them:
"Betcha by Golly Wow" Phyllis Hyman or Stylistics rendition
This is one of my absolute favorite songs of all time. I have requested that it be played at my wedding and my funeral.

4. A song that has made you sit down and analyze its lyrics:
"Laffy Taffy" - This is some dumb ass shit!
Call me Jolly Rancher 'cause I stay so hard Nigga please!

5. A song that you like, that a two year old would like as well:
"Gold Digger" by Kanye' and "Rockin' Robin" by Michael Jackson

6. A song that gives you an energy boost:
"Let the Beat Hit 'em" by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam or "My Mic Sounds Nice" by Salt & Pepa
Both of these songs are classic!

7. A song that you and your grandparents (would probably) like:
"A Tisket a Tasket" by Ella Fitzgerald & "For the Good Times" by Al Green

8. A song that you really liked when you were 14 - 16 and still really like now
There are too many to name! But I guess I would say "Be Happy" by MJB and "Dwyck" by Gang Starr featuring Nice & Smooth

9. A sad song that would be in the soundtrack of the movie about your life
It is a two part song by Stevie Wonder - "Superwoman/Where Were You When I Needed You"
Now this is a muthafuckin' song!!!! The second part just takes my breath away. Every time I hear it, it just does something to me and Stevie sings the shit out it.

10 A peppy song that would start the opening credits of the movie about your life
"She's a Bad Mama Jama" by Carl Carlton or "Brand New Day" by Luther Vandross from the Wiz soundtrack

11 A good song from a genre of music that no one would guess that you liked:
Either "Another One Bites the Dust" or "Bohemain Rhapsody" by Queen
I am a big fan of Queen. There will NEVER be another Freddie Mercury!

12 A song that you think should have been playing when you were born
"You Will Rise" by Sweetback featuring Amel Larrieux
This song makes me cry EVERY time I hear it. It is my life! I play it the last day of school for my students each year.

13 A favorite artist duo collaboration
"When Your Life was Low" by Lalah Hathaway and Joe Sample and "Fire and Desire" by Teena Marie and Rick James

14 A favorite song that you completely disagree with (politically, morally, commonsensically, religiously etc)
"My Humps" - Black Eyed Peas
"Some Cut" - Trillville
"Girl Gimme That" - Webbie ft. Bun B
I absolutely hate all of these songs. The first one is just dumb as shit to me. The last two are just really disgusting and although I like the beats, the grown ass woman in me knows better.

15 The song that you like despite the fact that your IQ level drops several points every time you listen to it
"Put it in Ya Mouth" - Akinyele
This song is a bit much for outside of the bedroom, but I hate to admit that I like it.
"I'm Sprung" - T-Pain
It's catchy as hell.

16 Your smooth song, for relaxing
"When Love Calls" by Kem and "I'd Rather be With You" by Bootsy Collins
I love both of these songs!!! That Bootsy joint (how we say it in DC) will forever and always be the shit. Just ask NWA and Beyonce'.

17 A song you would send to someone you hate or are mad at
Most likely I wouldn't send it to them but I would think of them when I heard "Motivation" by T.I. or "I Hate You So Much Right Now" by Kelis

18 A favorite track from an outfit considered a "super-group"
"That's What Friends are For" by Gladys Knight, Dionne Warwick, Stevie Wonder, and Elton John
The words are really beautiful and the song was for a good cause.

19 A song that makes you reminisce about good times with a family member
"Tell Me Something Good" by Chaka Khan and Rufus
This makes me think of my mother and my baby sister because my mom and I used to sing it to her when she was a baby.

"If Loving You is Wrong" by Luther Ingram
This makes me think of my father's mother, Granny. She loved this song! She had a friend that had a Saturday radio show on a local station and he would play it every week for her. May they both RIP. Damn I miss her!

20 Your favorite song at this moment in time
"Take Me as I am" by MJB and on the radio "Sick of Love Songs" by Neyo

DC Shine
It took me a minute to do this entry so only one person for DC Shine this week, but she can hold it down. This week we have a hellava artist representing for Chocolate City. Everyone give it up for Me'Shell NdegeOcello, for she is definitely the shit! Michelle (cause y'all know that's what her mama named her) also attended Duke Ellington School of the Performing Arts just like Dave Chapelle, Tony Terry, and your very own D-. Her music brilliantly blends soul, rock, blues, and funk. I won't even go into all of the great songs that she has created, but "Rush Over" with fellow Washingtonian Marcus Johnson from the Love Jones soundtrack should be familiar to most people. If you are not failiar with her music, I challenge you to check it out ASAP.

D- Said It@ :: 10:06 AM :: 6 Said Something About It

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Just a Random Thought - Is It Just Me?

Hey everyone! Shit has been thick so I haven't really been around much. I have two papers due this week so it has been hard to come up for air. I thought that I would take a little break and clear my mind for a few minutes. Lots of silly, random shit has been on my mind lately so I thought I would take a moment to share one of them with the blogger world.

I drive in to work very, very early each morning. Sometimes I can't help getting caught behind a bus or two. Well three times this week, I have been behind a bus and what do I see but this mess right here....

I think one bus may have even had this one...

Now it's important to note that I can't find a pic that truly shows you how messed up these weaves and hairpieces look on the person who is offering them as a signature line!!! If the ad campaign is not running in your neighborhood, please go here to check it out. Is it just me?? Or would you buy hair from a muthafucka whose hair is always fucked up?!? Who decided that this would be her next business venture? I remember back in the day wishing that she would get rid of her braids, but now I want them back. Buying hair from Brandy is like getting voice lessons from Paula Abdul. Why the fuck would anyone want to do that??

Have to finish this critique, so I'll holla lata...

D- Said It@ :: 10:47 AM :: 3 Said Something About It

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Friday, February 03, 2006

DC Shine/M.I.A.

So, this week is finally over!!!! Thank you to everyone who left me encouraging words about Great G-ma. I can't even express how happy I am about today being Friday! This week was of a different kind of crazy. I told y'all I would reveal the big visitor in my next post. Well staff from the Oprah Winfrey Show, along with Anderson Cooper visited our school two days in a row. Needless to say, getting ready for that was a barrel of monkeys. (insert sarcastic smiley here)

But anyway...it's Friday so it's time for a little DC Shine. This week, we have two Tonies.

Ladies first. So we will start with Ms. Toni Braxton.

Toni Braxton represents for the suburbs just outside of the city. Her bio says that she was born in Severn, MD. After the fame and fortune, the family moved even closer to the city in Mitchelville. I am sure that Ms. Toni needs no real intro. She is a talented singer, songwriter, actress, mother, and wife. Her husband is Mint Condition bandmember Keri Lewis. They have two beautiful boys, Denim and Diesel. Toni started her music career as a featured vocalist on the Boomerang soundtrack with her well-known song, Love Shoulda Brought You Home. Overcoming bankruptcy, record company problems, and a few other issues, she has managed to stay in the music business for over 10 years. Her latest album, Libra, was released this past fall.

Last, but not least we have one of my old favorites, Tony Terry. Tony was actually born in North Carolina, but he moved to DC when he was 6 years old. Like fellow Washingtonians Dave Chappelle and D-, Tony attended the Duke Ellington School of the Performing Arts, where he studied vocal music. He is a talented singer and had many hits in the late '90s, such as She's Fly (my jam!) and With You (possibly my wedding song). Although, he hasn't released new material for many, many years. I believe that he has been in a few gospel plays over the last years. He co-starred in His Woman, His Wife with Malik Yoba.


M.I.A. - Missing In Action

While listening to the radio on my way home from class last night, I heard "I Miss You" by Klymaxx and it got me to thinking. There are many singers and groups from the 80s and 90s who were good that have disappeared into oblivion. Here are a few that come to my mind. I am interested in knowing if the folks on my list were popular back in the day in other cities and states, too.

1. Loose Ends - Loose Ends was the shit! What happened to them??? I still love me some "Slow Down" and "Hangin' on a String". I even loved the two guys and a girl thang they had going on. Someone please put out an APB for Loose Ends. The music industry needs them.

2. B Angie B - What happened to Angie? She had a voice that was a little different, but I guess one could say that she could sing. I liked "I Don't Want to Lose Your Love" and "So Much Love". Wasn't she down with Hammer?

3. Meli'sa Morgan - I don't know why B Angie B and Meli'sa remind me of one another. Meli'sa definitely is a better singer and she had her hits in the '80s. Her rendition of "Do Me" is almost as good as Prince's. And who could forget about "Do You Still Love Me"?? Both classics! We need an APB for Meli'sa (the way she spells her name irritates me). The music industry could use her.

4. CeCe Peniston - I LOVED me some CeCe! That child could sing! Just thinking about her makes me think of life when I was a teenager. I am a true CeCe fan so I have many favorite songs by her, but "Keep On Walkin", "Finally", and "Inside that I Cried" stand out. CeCe was slightly house (as in music) so maybe that's why she's not around as much, but I sure do miss her. We need an APB for CeCe. I need her!

5. Nice & Smooth - Again, taking me back! They were the shit when they were out. They only had like one album and a song, but they were talented. I wonder why they never went farther? Rap wasn't really that commercial back then, though. I loved Greg Nice's delivery and Smooth B.'s voice. "Dwyck" with Gangstarr will 4 EVER be the Shiznick! It's crazy that I still know every word and that came out over 10 years ago. I will take that over Laffy Taffy any fuckin' day of the week.

6. Michel'le - These women and their apostrophied names.. lol! Cali folk, holla at me! What happened to my girl? Back in the day it was said that she had a baby with Dr. Dre. Now her speaking voice had to be the most irritating thing since nails on a chalkboard, but there is no doubt about it. Girlfriend could sing! "Something's in My Heart" was like an anthem in DC.

7. Terrence Trent d'Arby - Another apostrophe! This brotha could saaaang and he was very soulful. Thinking about his music reminds me of my mother and my little sister. When we were younger, my mother would put on his first album for our Saturday morning clean-ups. My little sister was only 4 or 5 back then and she would love when "Dance Little Sister" came on. Of course, my favorites are "Wishing Well' and 'Sign Your Name". We need an APB for Terrence! The music industry needs him badly.

8. ABC (Another Badd Creation) - Okay this takes me way, way back to the 7th grade. Lord, I was my students' age back then. Every girl I knew loved "Playground" and "Iesha". They should be as grown as me now. It would be interesting to see how they turned out.I think they were from the ATL.

I can't find pics for my last two. #9 is The Good Girls. They had like two hits back in the day, but I liked them. The first is "Your Sweetness" and I think the other was "Itchin' in My Heart". I think they were on Motown.

#10 is a one hit wonder. I don't even remember his name, but I still luv the song. I think it is called "Get with the Program". I need help with this one. Here are a few lyrics: Every day now/I can feel you watchin' me/From afar/ and you've been leaving those love letters on my car/Everyday.... Chorus: So you like/ what you see/You like!/You better put a hold on me

D- Said It@ :: 11:25 AM :: 5 Said Something About It

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