
Thursday, March 02, 2006

7 Tips for Being a Sexy Big Girl

Hey everyone who still comes by to read my shit! (Much luv to T. Cas) I know that I have lost many of the few readers I had by the infrequency of my posts. But, it's all good. I barely have time to do the shit that HAS to get done.

Let me start this post off by saying that I have lost another 13lbs in the last 3 weeks!!!! If you read my 102 Facts you know that I have lost about 62 lbs. all together. I wasn't really trying that hard, but I haven't really had time to eat. If I keep this up I will easily make my goal weight by my birthday, April 8th. I'll be back in the size that I wore junior year in highschool!! Yea!!

Well, last year a male buddy of mine crowned me "The Finest Big Girl He Had Ever Seen". Now at first I didn't know how to take that shit. Was it a compliment or was this nigga trying to be funny? He quickly clarified by telling me that he meant that in a good way and that although he never found himself really attracted to girls who were overweight, it wasn't that same way with me. He said that I changed his outlook and joked that I should write a manual to "teach these chicks out here". So that's what lead to today's post.

I have heard many sistas complain about how their weight prevents them from getting men. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda and all of that bullshit. These statements bother me because they base a relationship or the prospect of one on just looks alone. I understand that men are visual beings and that all a person has to go on in the beginning is looks, but damn! You can't go around buying into that shit. Remember, there are some men out here that actually like big girls. I must admit that even at my heaviest, which in my opinion was not a pretty sight, I still had no problem pulling a man.

Now along with this statement comes a few sad, brutal facts, as pointed out by my bestfriend, Sy. Of course I didn't attract as many as I did before I gained weight and of course I attracted a different kind of brutha once I was heavier. It is also important to note that I live in Chocolate City where many of the bruthas are a little color-struck and love women with what some ignant black folks like to call "good" hair. Sidebar: My post on this simple shit is still on the way. If you meet these criteria and you live in DC, you too probably don't have any problems regardless of your size. I am not the lightest complexioned girl, but very few people would describe me as darkskinned. I'm probably Stacey Dash's complexion. I also have naturally long hair that hangs to the middle of my back.

7 Tips for being a Sexy Big Girl

1. Don't wear clothes that don't fit.
I don't give a fuck how cute it is or how cute it looks on your cousin Shay Shay who is 30 to 60lbs. smaller than you, if it does not fit YOU, don't wear it. Now this becomes a problem because most people who are big don't want to face the fact that they are big and as long as they can squeeze into that smaller size, they will. And about 90% of shit sold in Plus sized stores has lycra or spandex in it, so you will see people try to stuff themselves into shit that they really can't fit but think they can because by a miracle of God (the spandex) they can actually get into it. Clothes that are ill-fitting will only bring attention to your "problem" areas. I would even recommend getting your clothing tailored to fit you. Sidebar: The young lady to the left in the black is dead wrong. Why is her tummy hanging over ther pants? Why does it look like she's having problems breathing? And let's not talk about the "railroad tracks" that she has on display. Click the pic for a closer look.

2. Don't wear shit that draws attention to your "problem" areas. Now if you have a stomach that looks like you are 8 and a half months pregnant and you are not, why would you want to wear a shirt that exposes it? Nobody wants to see that shit and it makes you look even bigger. If you have a wide, flat ass don't wear shit that brings attention to it. If you have so much cellulite on the back of your legs that it looks like a bucket of cottage cheese, avoid tight or short shit. It's just that plain and easy. Sidebar: Please peep the fact that old girl to the right is in an office setting. Now this is a definite no-no and an easy ass way not to have a man.

3. Accentuate your positives. If you happen to be overweight but have great legs, show them off. If your cleavage is the shit, then by all means set it out for the world to see TASTEFULLY and APPROPRIATELY. If you are plump, but still happen to have a small waist, play those curves up. If you have a beautiful face, play it up by drawing attention to it with hoop earrings or soft make-up. Whatever is working for you- work it!

4. Big doesn't have to mean sloppy. Just because you don't have a flat stomach doesn't mean that you have to have 5 fat rolls hanging out either. Your clothes also don't have to be hanging all over the place or dirty. Your shoes don't have to lean and be run-over. Take pride in how you look. Lay out your clothes and accessories before you put them on. Does anything need ironing? Do your shoes need to be wiped off or shined? Also, don't be afraid to wear a smoother or a body shaper. If you can hang and really want to set it off with the Coke bottle shape, go ahead and rock that Granny girdle. That shit works for real. Furthermore, don't be afraid to work out and try to keep it tight. 15 to 20 minutes on the treadmill 2 or 3 times a week won't hurt. Also, ladies maintain that flexibility! You wanna blow a nigga's mind? Be a big girl who can bust a split or push your legs as far back as some of those skinny gals. LOL! Sidebar: If you can do this shit (splits, etc.), you won't have any problems getting and keeping a man.

5. Dress impeccably. Take a cue from my man, Bossmack. Never ever let the human eye see you not looking crispy. This is important. It helps to defy the stereotype that big people just don't give a fuck about themselves or how they look. This means keep up with fashion, but avoid fads. Make sure your clothes fit, are neat, and look good. Don't forget about accessories, for they are what truly make the outfit. Step up your shoe game! Spend a couple of extra dollars on nice jewelry and handbags. It's the little things that count.

6. Buy quality clothing. Now I'm the first one to tell someone - big girl clothes are expensive as shit, if you want to look good. Stay away from the cheap shit, especially if you are bigger than a size 14. Gallo's or the local $10 store is not going to cut it! The fabric is too cheap. Chances are it will not be flattering. If $$ is a problem, shop on the clearance rack. My personal favorites are Macy's, Lord & Taylor, and occasionally Lane Bryant and Ashley Stewart. Be very careful with the last two because you run the risk of being the 20th big girl with the same outfit in a 10 mile radius. Also note that designers are finally making plus sized clothing. You should be able to find them at major department stores.

7. Carry yourself like you are the finest chick around. If you don't believe it, who the fuck else will? Have you ever seen someone who is feature for feature not that attractive, but they come off as very attractive? Jay-Z is the poster child for this. We believe that he is the shit because he believes that he is the shit. I remember a Chris Rock joke that I heard a while ago. Basically the joke was about a big girl whose retort to someone who said something about her stomach was "Yeah I got a gut, but I got some good pussy under this gut." If you carry it like that, you shouldn't have any problems.

D- Said It@ :: 10:11 AM :: 7 Said Something About It

Say Something!
