
Friday, January 13, 2006

Just a Little Shine

It has been a minute since I have been able to do a new post. Blogger didn't even load the posts I did while I was on break, so it looked like I wasn't posting anything new. Anyway...things have been very busy lately. I went back to work this past Monday. I actually missed my students and am glad to see them. I do miss sleeping in, though.

Today is Friday, so I feel like a little DC Shine. However, I only have time for one. So here we go...

One of my top 5 favorite tv shows is HBO's The Wire. One of last season's actors (Season 3) is a local celebrity, and he was one before he landed a role on the show. If you watch the show and are not from DC, you may know him as Slim Charles. Folk from home know him as Gingus or Big G, leader and upfront man of the Go-Go band, Backyard. Everyone from the city knows that he holds it down for Hobart, which is in NW, which we locals like to call Uptown. I cannot tell y'all how happy I am to see him doing his thing. He was even a lead in Vivian Green's video for Gotta Go Gotta Leave. Not to mention, he hosts a radio show on a local radio station here in DC, which really helps to advance the Go-Go movement. I remember way back in the day getting off of the 70 bus on Georgia Ave. and seeing him talking on the pay phone outside many times (you were hustling if you had the luxury of an expensive ass cell phone back then). I even remember going to a few BYB (Back Yard Band) shows where everyone was pissed because he wasn't there because he was locked up. The brotha has truly come a long way and I am proud for him!

D- Said It@ :: 9:21 AM :: 0 Said Something About It

Say Something!
