
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is it called April Luv?

First of all, no my name is not April. One of my posts says my real name, so if you care enough to know I have just told you where to look. I titled the blog April Luv for a few reasons. First of all, my birthday is in April. Second, my mother has always called me her April Love after a beautiful song by LTD of the same name. I changed the spelling of love just to be different and to add a lil' flava to an otherwise plain name. Basically, I couldn't think of anything cute, catchy, and appropriate when I signed up with blogger so I went with what would come to my mind.

What is the purpose of this blog?

There is no real purpose for this blog. It's basically a Pot Luck of My Mind, meaning it's just random thoughts, opinions, and musings from me. I'm trying to get back in the practice of expressing myself through the written word. As a teacher, I get lots of practice expressing myself orally.

D- Said It@ :: 9:22 AM :: 1 Said Something About It

Say Something!
