
Friday, November 18, 2005

Et Tu Puffe?

Happy Friday! So, everyone I know has been talking about this HOT 97 drama with The Lox and Puff. Even the Beckies on my job are keeping up with it! The first interview with The Lox was absolutely hilarious, especially when Puff called in. I still can't stop laughing at Puff saying "If y'all want to talk, come down to the office" about ten times. You can't tell me that sh*t didn't remind you of Big Red from The Five Heartbeats, "My office hours are between 9 and 5". Puff ought to cut it out!

Speaking of Puff...I think he may be one of the first that I put on my list. I'm actually sad that I have to put him on here. But for real! He needs to cut some of this sh*t out. Didn't he learn anything from the Shinny Suit Man situation?!?! I am sure that many people are going to be mad at me for this one, especially my fam from "down south", but I have to add Puff to my Coonin' for Cash list for having fronts on his bottom row of teeth on an episode of Making the Band 3. MTV won't let me steal the pic, so if you want to see the picture go to
and click on Photos. Then click on Making the Band 3 Episode Guide. The travesty is Picture #71. Let me know what you think about it.
So here we go.....

$$$Coonin' for Cash$$$

1. Sean "Puff Daddy/Puffy/Puff/P.Diddy/Diddy" Combs

'96 Bad Boy Come on! Remember when Puff used to say that? LOL


I mean, Puff! Come on baby, you major! Some shit is just beneath you. You are CEO of not one, but many reputable companies. Your name is on Forbes' list for one of the Richest Americans Under 40. After Russell, you are a pioneer in this game. Honey, you may not have graduated but you went to what folks like to call the Mecca of HBCUs, Howard University. You were there long enough to know better. You know your ass knows better! You know that sh*t is ignant!

You are always talking about how you "run the city", so I know you understand your power and your influence. Why in the hell would you want to influence young brothers and sisters to spend money on stupid sh*t like that???

Not you! Now I expect mess like that from these clowns out here who may not know any better. You know, the ones who actually make songs that brag about their grills and how theirs are platinum and have invisible settings, and all that nigga sh*t. But, I don't expect mess like this from you. And, yes, I know that's what's hot now. I know the south, where it happens to be very, very popular, is on fire right now as it pertains to music and moving units. And yes, I understand that having an iced-out grill with platinum and invisible settings is fly sh*t to some people, but I have to let you know that wearing one in your mouth in no way, form, or fashion does anything to preserve your sexy.

And then to wear them on MTV!!! Come on, Puff!!! We've come far, but we haven't come that far! As my grandmother would say, fool, you think you're free?!?! Stop letting the money go to your head. You are still a negro, and you need to govern yourself accordingly. Come on, Puff!!! Justin, Christian, and all of us need you to do better.

Respectfully Submitted,

A Concerned Supporter

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