
Sunday, January 15, 2006

102 Things about D-

Had the time, so I took advantage.

1. I am an Aries.
2. I am strong headed like most Aries.
3. I am my parents' oldest child.
4. They were both 16 years old when they had me.
5. I was born on Palm Sunday.
6. I was born in NE DC.
7. I was speaking in sentences by age 2. (according to Mom)
8. I learned to read at age 3.
9. I started kindergarten at age 4.
10. I graduated high school at age 17.
11. I went to a different school every year until the 5th grade.
12. When I was four I wanted to be a picture girl (model, but that's what I called it then).
13. By 8, I wanted to be an actress.
14. By 10, I wanted to be a radio dj.
15. The beginning of high school brought me back to acting.
16. I attended Duke Ellington School of the Arts for 9th and 10th grade.
17. I started as a theater major.
18. I left as a literary media major. (It was back to radio)
19. By 11th grade, I wanted to be a doctor.
20. I transferred to a high school that had a better reputation for academics.
21. I always liked boys as I can remember liking them as far back as third grade.
22. I was a little grown (mature), but I wasn't fast. (i.e. I wasn't having sex or any shit like that)
23. The line between having a mother who was a mother and mother who was like a big sister/girlfriend was very thin.
24. I never really hung with people who were my age.
25. They were always a grade or two ahead of me.
26. The best boyfriend I ever had was my boyfriend both in 6th grade and 12th grade.
27. There have been some good ones after him, but there really hasn't been one to top him.
28. We never had sex.
29. I was the last of my friends to lose my virginity, but I was still very young.
30. I was 15. ( lost it to not have sex again for 3 years)
31. He was 19. (too old, but I was a little mature)
32. I pray for if I have a daughter. Lord let her wait longer than I did.
33. I have never been pregnant or had any diseases, including childhood ones like chicken Pox.
34. I am blessed!
35. And highly favored!
36. I learned to snap my fingers when I was 4.
37. It happened when I was in the car coming from my great-great grandmother's (Big Mama) funeral
38. I have never forgotten that.
39. I have a pretty good memory.
40. I'm good for remembering obscure facts and details, especially about music.
41. Sometimes I think that gets on people's nerves.
42. That kinda makes me laugh.
43. This is harder than I thought it would be.
44. I was an only child until I was 4.
45. Both my parents had their second child the same year. (One in Jan., the other in Jun.)
46. I have long hair that is all mine.
47. I am 5'4.
48. I am overweight, but I'm working on it.
49. I lost 45lbs. last year.
50. I gained a ridiculous amount of weight from the birth control drug, Depo Provera.
51. My weight used to be a major issue for me.
52. Once I freed myself from that shit I lost weight!
53. People are mean when you are fat.
54. Especially when you weren't always fat.
55. One of the worst comments came from my well meaning grandmother.
56. She said, "as beautiful as you are you could be a model, if you hadn't gotten so fat.
57. Of course it hurt.
58. I have never told her that.
59. I acted like it didn't.
60. But, I heard those same sentiments from about 100 other well-meaning people (Girl, you big but you a pretty big girl or D, if you lost like 50 lbs., you'd really be the shit)
61. In my family, being old gives you a pass to say whatever the fuck you want to.
62. Physical appearance is very important to my family.
63. I come from some vain muthafuckas.
64. Especially my mom.
65. When I was at my heaviest, I think my family looked at my weight as a curse or some shit.
66. They were like,"you've got everything else in the world going for you girl, but ya fat. Damn!" (They didn't use those exact words to say that, but you know what I'm sayin'.)
67. They didn't mean to be hurtful.
68. I always acted like what they said didn't hurt.
69. But sometimes it did.
70. I didn't lose weight until I made it up in my mind to absolutely do it for myself and myself only.
71. I gained the weight in college.
72. I am the first person in my immediate family to graduate from college.
73. I am named for my father.
74. His name is Dion.
75. I have dimples. (One on each cheek of my face)
76. I also have a few freckles and moles.
77. I'm honey brown complexioned so they don't stand out as much as they would if I was lighter.
78. People tell me I look Dominican or mixed with something Latin, but I'm really not (my mom is Puerto Rican and black.).
79. Jubb likes to call me Little Mexican.
80. He is a silly ass.
81. Jubb is my fiance'.
82. I met him in August of 1993.
83. Dolly My Baby by Supercat ft. Biggie was the Hot Knock back then.
84. See there goes an obscure relation to music.
85. Music is life to me.
86. I associate things with songs.
87. I could think of a song for every day or event in my life (and other people's lives, too)
88. I act like I am SuperStrong Black Woman, but I am honestly very sensitive.
89. I am also particularly sensitive to other people's feelings.
90. I am forgiving to a fault.
92. However, forgiveness for me is usually a scab on the wound, meaning it seems all good on the surface.
93. But the scab can be ripped off easily. You fuck up and we have a fresh wound.
94. I am working on learning to truly forgive.
95. I haven't spoken to or seen my father in about 2 years.
96. I really don't want to talk to him either.
97. I am also loyal sometimes to a fault.
98. My mother and I are building a relationship.
99. I have always loved to dance.
100.I am very determined to succeed no matter what.
101.I can't stand cigarette or cigar smoke, but don't mind the smell of weed smoke.
102.I once won a dance/lip syncing contest performing Janet Jackson's Nasty Boys and Donnie Simpson was the host.

D- Said It@ :: 5:55 PM :: 2 Said Something About It

Say Something!
