
Monday, January 30, 2006

Trying to Take the Good w/ the Bad

Mood Music: 24 Hour Blue (Just One of Those Days) by Vivian Green from A Love Story

Today has been a day from hell!!! My job and the students truly stressed me the fuck out. I woke up knowing that it was going to be one of those days because I immediately had a headache. I was running 10 minutes late and barely managed to slick my hair back into a ponytail. I had a parent meeting the first thing this morning and that was a waste of time because once again I have parents telling me that they don't know what to do with their child. Even before the stupid ass meeting, I walk in to a TO DO list on my desk in preparation for a big ass visitor this week. Then, my boss comes in to report that 7 girls from my mentoring group showed their asses on the field trip this past Saturday! Did I fail to mention that grades were due by COB??? I sure do need an herbal remedy to help me relax, relate, release. Too bad it's only Monday. I thought that I would be able to post as I usually do on Sunday. But, shit got thick. So here I am now with a mini-recap of my weekend.

Because I need as much positivity as I can get right now, I will start with the good:

Saturday was a beautiful day in Chocolate City! The sun was shining and the skies were blue. So you know it was all good, especially for a gurl with a diamond ring! LOL! But I am happy to proclaim that love is back in the air. Since our last blow out, Jubb has been drinking his Act Right faithfully each morning. LMBAO!! But seriously, we have been doing well and have been actually working to finalize the wedding plans. I have no doubt that our ideas, along with the talented work of AFC, will produce a beautiful wedding. ('sup Tam!)

Bad shit:

My great-grandmother has been in the hospital for the past two weeks now. I haven't blogged about it because I haven't really been able to face it. Grandma had been complaining about upset stomach for weeks. Two Mondays ago she was admitted to the hospital because her doctor didn't like what was going on with her stomach. With the initial tests they weren't sure if it was Pancreatic cancer. Well they ruled that out and said that she had some sort of strand of Hepatitis; one other than the usual A, B, or C strands. Her eyes and skin had jaundiced(yellowed). So they have her moved from a hospital in Mo County to Johns Hopkins in B-more because the Mo County docs don't really know how to treat her. At this time, I'm not too stressed because they have at least ruled out cancer and are moving towards treatment. Well this past weekend I found out that she does have cancer; cancer of the bile and liver or some shit. I was so fucked up when my aunt told me that I didn't really pay attention to the exact name of the cancer. Basically she has a tumor near her liver. I am just so scared! She is 85 years old, y'all. They are saying that they think that they can operate and remove the tumor, but it will take a 6 hour surgery! I am trying to be strong and think positively. But, Grandma is basically one of only a few family members who are truly supportive of me and my success.

Well, I'm too busy to write much more right now. Gotta get ready for the big visitor, so I am on the grind to make sure that my game is tight. I will let you guys know who the visitor is in my next post. Until then....

D- Said It@ :: 6:55 PM :: 4 Said Something About It

Say Something!
