
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Here's another one...

I couldn't find the correct pic for that fool of a chick, Hottie from the Flava of Love show. However, when I do find it, I will put it up. (and if anyone has one that shows her mess of a weave, please share)

I know that it is only Tuesday, but I need to vent again. This time it is about one of my students and his mother. I absolutely hate weak ass parents!!! Especially those raising black male children!!! Because this is the internet and you never know who is reading what and where, I will change the names. We will call the student Snuffy (for Snuffalupacus sp?) and his mother Ms. Simpleton. Well this is the second year that I have had Snuffy as a student. He is extremely bright, but extremely lazy. Underachiever could be this brother's middle name. He is the type of child who just puts forth little to no effort. With no effort he gets Bs and Cs, so the sky could be the limit if he tried. Snuffy is 14 years old and was retained (held back) in the 4th grade before coming to my school. Ms. Simpleton has been trying to get him declared Special Ed. for the past 4 years, while at the same time she has been trying to get us to promote him to his correct grade. She believes that he is ADHD. He has been tested by DC Public Schools 3 times. Each time they have said that he doesn't qualify for SPED services. But she is still pushing for it. Now, Snuffy's biggest problem is that he doesn't come to school. He skips sometimes twice a week. This is not a new problem because he did the same shit last year. I looked in his file and this boy has been skipping school since third grade. Ms. Simpleton wants to blame it on his disability, but doctors and evaluators have said that this child DOES NOT have a disability. Now here is why I need to vent before I scream:

This is how Snuffy skips according to his mama. She wakes him up. He moves very slowly and takes his time to get ready. When she is ready to walk out the door, he is almost ready. She goes to the car and waits for him to come out. 15 minutes go by and Snuffy is still not out of the house. Ms. Simpleton goes back in and he is laying on the floor or back in the bed. She tells him to get up and leaves him there because she can't be late for work. Instead of catching the bus like she told him to do, he stays at home and plays video games and watches tv all day. Now be reminded, this is straight from Ms. Simpleton's mouth. Have you ever heard of a child so bold that they say fuck it, I'll just skip at home???? and on a regular basis????

So when I ask Ms. Simpleton why she won't just make him leave out the door to get in the car when she does, she says, "I can't make him get in the car, Miss M. I can't just push him in the car. He's too big." So I'm thinking to myself that this is all very interesting. He's not bigger than her, but she can't make him get in the car. You all have to understand that I am shocked as shit now because I have never heard of a situation where the child is in complete and total control. Now I may have read about some shit like this, or saw something like it on tv. But in real life, hell no! Shit like that just never happened with the folks who raised me. How can a child dictate to his parent what he will and will not do????

So Ms. Simpleton admits that she is not much of a disciplinarian. So I ask if he is punished when he skips school. Ms. Simpleton says that she takes his video games and tv away, but he goes and gets them. She has even sent them to a neighbor's apartment, but has awakened to him playing the game at 3 o'clock in the morning. Okay, hold the fuck up!!! You take the shit out of the apartment and he has the audacity to go and bring it back in and play the shit?!?!?! Big muthafuckin' balls if you ask me!!! Ms. Simpleton is basically like she doesn't know what to do. It's his "disability". And get this, she wants us (his teachers) to allow him to make up work when he skips because she believes that he skips because of his "disability". WTF????? How many times are these people going to tell your simple ass that your son DOES NOT have a disability??? But then, how are you going to tell me the whole story of him skipping and then ask me (with a straight face) to act like I didn't know that he was home playing Socom 3???? You must have a fuckin' disability!!!

Now I understand that everyone doesn't believe in corporal punishment and that's cool too. If you raise them right, you shouldn't have to beat the hell out of them. However, I must say that if he was my child - that ass would have been mine the first time he stayed home from school. Even if you are not into spanking or physical punishment, children still need to understand that their are consequences for negative behavior. That is what enrages me about this! 1 out of 4 black males in the US is some how tied up in the criminal justice system. In DC, that statistic is 1 in 2. That's half! It is dangerous for a young black male to think that he can get away with doing whatever he wants to do. Shit! I'm grown and I can't do whatever the fuck I want to do, whenevr I want to do it without consequences. Plus, I am pissed that she can't see that is why he does it - because he can get away with it. That is just human behavior. We do what we know works; whatever we can get away with.

Now, I know that I have chick, nor child so maybe I'm a little off with this. If you think I am not looking at this correctly, feel free to pull me up. If you have children, please comment and if you have suggestions please share them. Ms. Simpleton is looking to me for help with this and I have not a clue b/c I think she is the real problem.

D- Said It@ :: 2:11 PM :: 9 Said Something About It

Say Something!
