
Sunday, January 22, 2006

From the Dumb and Ridiculous Files

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I need a little blog therapy today, so bare with me. I found out some shit that really disturbs me. Let me share it with y'all, and y'all tell me what you think. Okay, first you will need a little background info. My father's ex-wife (we'll call her J) and I are real cool. We weren't always cool, however. When I was younger and she was married to my father I couldn't stand her ass because she was mean as fuck. She resented me for being my father's child from another woman, and she also felt that I got more shine from our family members than her children. But now that I am no longer a threat to her or her children because she is no longer with my father, shit is all good. Well J is 41 y/o. She has a decent gov't. job, but she has $$$ problems. Every, and when I say every I mean EVERY, place that she has rented in the past 15 years (no exaggeration) has ended in her getting evicted or moving right before they got evicted. She is one of those people who will get her hair or nails done or go on a trip with her rent money. Well J used to be a member of a very small Pentacostal church, where the members were so close that they were like extended family members to one another. One of the members has a daughter who is my age. We will call her Ty. Now Ty has four children that she doesn't live with and rarely sees. As a matter of fact, one of her children's fathers took her on talk show for being such a sorry ass mom. Ty is basically a hood ass chick who spends her time chasing men and chasing ways to come up on $$$. She doesn't have a job, but will occasionally do hair for a little bit of cash. Well Ty has been living with J for the past six weeks. Ty is messing with some guy named Tony. Tony asks Ty if she can find someone who can cash a few money orders that he has come up on. Ty asks J if she can cash them because J belongs to a credit union. J obliges and cashes the money orders to the tune of $11,000, over two separate transactions. Now the shocker, especially to J, is the money orders were stolen! (insert stupid ass, shocked smiley here LOL) J's credit union calls her out on it a week later. She tells them that she was cashing them for someone else, but all she knows is that the person's name is Tony. J asks Ty for Tony's info, but Ty says that all she knows is that his name is Tony and that she doesn't know how to get in contact with him. So basically, J is the only one who is going down for the crime. And now get this, she saw ZERO dollars from the whole deal. She was arrested on her good gov't. job on Friday for the deed.

Now, once again, I need to know if it's just me. How in the hell could any grown ass person with half a brain not know that the money orders were stolen?!?!?! Why would they need a total stranger to cash them if everything was legit??? OK, and then to know that you are behind in your rent and you don't get a damn thing for putting your ass on the line????? Now that is some stupid ass shit. J, of course, is now crying "woe is me". Every time I try to help somebody ....yadda...yadda....yadda And this is the killer for me. Ty's shit is still in J's house. She is actually still letting the girl live with her! Fucking amazing!!! Now this bitch is going to sit back and let you go down for some shit and you will still let her stay in your house damn near rent free????

Now people who know me tease me for being a little prissy, "proper" speaking, and occasionally a snob. But don't get it twisted. Hood shit is always around me because of my family/extended family. I can't escape it! And it helps to keep me grounded and focused. I have grown to love J, but it is highly unlikely that she will ever rise because she just doesn't think. She ALWAYS partcipates in the game that plays herself! This is just one of many Dumb Ass J stories. I'll have to share a few others with you guys.

D- Said It@ :: 10:25 AM :: 1 Said Something About It

Say Something!
